End of sexual violence
Ladies and gentle man : For many years we have heard a loud cry. Who might be crying you might ask? Women, children, youth and sometimes men but for what reason should that be? Could it be because of unemployment, racism, no food, no education, maybe this is true nevertheless, a greater problem is affecting our society and it is known as Sexual violence! This issue must be addressed today, we must be informed, and we must enforce and give support to end this madness. Let us gain that courage, that motivation and willingness to bring down sexual violence and bring up this magnificent country of Belize.
In the society we are living in almost every day we listen in the 7news or channel 5 (News5) that some young lady is raped or some child is being abuse or some woman is being force to have sex against her will , which sometimes leads to brutal violence or even murder to these individuals. Many cases have been registered but yet they are
many cases that are not being reported because of fear or indifference! Many Belizean as they hear that someone was raped they would say “hmm she me deserves da” or even “good fu she” let us stop this indifference, sexual violence just as death we will not know when it can face us. We must break the silences and help our fallen brothers and sisters with our voices we will end this nightmare. Children are being abuse sexually and we can’t stop this? Women are being rape and kill and this has not caused us to do something as yet? This is the reality it is not a dream, this is the Belize we are living in, but as I strongly believe we can make a difference!

A single ant can’t build its home all alone, however if more than one ant work together as one they will build their house. The same concept applies we must work together as one, so that the "undertaker" could come for sexual violence and take it to the cemetery. We must address this crisis from its root; the youth of today must be educated and must make an initiative and promise to not be involved in the actions of sexual violence toward any child or young lady. Don’t get me wrong not only because you are getting an education you exempted to commit these wrong doings “I know of individuals with a master's degree abusing sexually of children and even doctorate degree rapist. When young lady is sexual abused, the person who is doing to damage is not only causing physical harm to her but also to you and me. "Let us make our contribution which will make a resolution, with your participation it will strength to nation. With our combination it will help the population". (Pedro Garcia December 15, 2012 Speech completion Belize) Remember I am Belize, you are Belize, and we are Belize!!!
I call on the Government of Belize and head of state, to fund programs and form new committees to address the terrible beast, the new serpent know as sexual violence. There is a demand for more workshops for young people so that they can speak out, because many are afraid to speak due to lack of knowledge and communication skills. People must be educated; they must know their human rights and must break to cycle. I strongly recommend that penalties for such offences must be punished with death. I believe that a rehabilitation programs must be instituted for victims of such abuse to aid in psychological and physical effects. We must also do our part by reporting what we see, please help the person in need. Keep in mind that Belize is one body so if one part is attack the entire body feels.
In conclusion, the end of sexual violence all depends on the citizens of the country of Belize, we have to make the storm cease, but we must act fast and steady with intelligence and unity. We are a people of change; it is not difficult and not impossible. We have to power in our hands the youth of today are full of energy, motivation and ideas. Let us make a solution for this dilemma. When is the time you might ask? Is it next year? Next month? Tomorrow? Certainly not! Now! Is the answer lets us join forces and end sexual violence today!!!
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