Teen Love they say it never lasts- I'm not so sure if this is true but for most of what I have seen it is, many teens today are confuse with two almost similar thing, which walk side by side they are called teen love and infatuation. Many teens today are also hoping for someone in their lives to reach and comfort them waiting impatiently for their prince Charmin or princess barbie fail to see that " something good always comes for those who wait" However, almost do things that are not good because of desperation of not finding someone the word "single" is a burden to them and the end result is not promising, my advice to those people never lose hope their is someone for everyone, and many times this person takes a while to reach.
On the other hand many teen start experimenting with different people hoping to find their one true love, however, this end is much worst, many would lose their virginity to someone they thought was that special someone failing to realise the great error in the making. blind with teen love and Passion they feel love first sting, and it hurts very badly. This can result in two path ways the first the person continues in the search for true love and the other path the person stop searching for love and starts playing with others feeling as an end result.But their is an even worst path were the girl accept anything from the boy that took away her purity and never wants to let go because of blind intuition of love the boy then can freely do whatever he wants and the girl would just accept, yet boy can be in the same position as a girl they are not limited, sometimes the girl can cheap, fight and do all kind of stuff and still the boy is bond to her.

Boy in such situation have lose control and given much freedom to that girl and have to get out of that situation because the girl doesn't love you she only is obsess or infatuated and know that if she loses you she will not be able to get anyone else to give her comfort and that she can manipulate. Boys you will need help so you better start now because the end result could be nasty. On the other hand girls with this situation is much more easier you have to work it through alone and stand for yourself it might take a while but a girls courage is sometime bigger than the problems she is facing.
Teen love its one of the sweetest feelings that exist and one of the most deadliest, but it all has to do with moderation, some teen love goes until adulthood and to death, a life long teen love which is great, unfortunately not all were meant to be, and teen fail to understand that, with this I'll give this quote I read some years ago
"God decides to place people in our , You decide who you let through, who pass by, and who you don't want to let go"
All I can say many people pick their own destiny well we just need to accept and respect, I can give and write as much advice but at the end of the day you make the final decision. sometimes its better to be alone than with bad company, and please don't over do yourself in looking for love because as the quotes says " you pick, pick until you pick sh**!" please don't do that mistake. Girls that have lose their virginity to a no good boy there is still hope something called spiritual virginity this is for people that believe in God and He can make a difference in their life, for more information on this you can contact me. Love and infatuation youth be very careful with these two things, with this quote I'll leave you
before you speak -- listen
before you spend -- earn
before you quit --- try
before you pray--- believe
before you cry--- smile
before you lose hope--- love
before you die--- live